Préface du catalogue de l’exposition.

…Motherwell was won over. Soulages finally met the arch-rival Franz Kline , who remarked that Soulages resembled his paintings. Soulages notes wryly that he heard “Kline was a very good…

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Pierre Soulages. Works on Paper (catalog)

…flat-edged applicators to spread and direct the walnut stain across the surface. When he lays a black plane over a larger brown one, he causes the viewer to become more…

Éloge de la lumière – In praise of light

…essay ln Praise of Shadows, though purely contingent, are no less apparent. His works have sometimes prompted comparisons with calligraphy and lacquer work, and may also recall the ancient technique…

Soulages in America

…Soulages in America explores the artist’s work in the 1950s and 60s, delving into his presence and prominence in the United States during the heyday of Abstract Expressionism, the

revue de presse

…le Président de la République, c’était au tour du public de visiter le nouveau musée soulages de Rodez »,113116.php « A Rodez, François Hollande contesté, Pierre Soulages consacré »…

Pierre Soulages

…Plus d’info sur L’annonce video Le livre publié suite à l’exposition Perrotin Shanghai presents a solo exhibition of works by Pierre Soulages on the occasion of the

Pierre Soulages: Twenty Twenty-One

…French master’s first exhibition in Florida, and his first in the United States since being honored in December 2019 with an exhibition at the Musée du Louvre in Paris celebrating…